Sunday, August 17, 2008

The heat wins...

So the weekend brings us lots of training...good, bad and everything in between.

I started off with a planned run of 5 miles on Sat. Which I was very excited about doing. My mind has not really been into the other two disciplines so in response I decide I LOVE to run and I am GREAT at it!!

After Saturday, I no longer have a love affair with running. Just when you start to gain confidence in something, this sport quickly brings you back to reality. Form and I started off around 8am (which yet again is TOO late for this time of the year, with the temp already around 90ish and climbing). Then, since I'm feeling so cocky, "honey...why not try a tough, hot, uphill run through the desert?" The first half of the run is uphill but THEN you get to turn around and run downhill, so no biggie, right!? All of this happens in what feels like desert quicksand, sounds great! Yep, Until about mile 2 when my HR skyrocketed to high170's and stayed there for the remainder of the run.

The result was a disaster, I overheated, my legs felt like mush and I ended of crying in the middle of the downhill part and throwing my water bottle (hmm, might need that later) as I stomped out the rest of the mile. How my honey deals with this on a pretty regular basis is beyond me.

On the positive, I struggled my way home and we then added an extra mile for the heck of it :-). However, my stellar pace was 14.32 min/mile for 6 miles Average HR of 167!! High HR of 182 . And don't forget yet another cry fest in the middle of training. WooHoo!!

More to come on the "good" part of the weekend training later :-)

And thanks to all my comments from my new, bloggy friends!!


Formulaic said...

Way to go on the run. It was slow, but you got through it.

And nice 'extra' mile. You are gonna rock your race!

Mind over matter!

Calyx Meredith said...

I'm totally impressed because I now know from personal experience that you live in the middle of an oven. An oven set on TURBO BAKE! Yay you for running AT ALL but especially for going that extra mile. Throwing the water bottle,though? Not a good survival strategy! Might need that unless of course all the water in it has been boiled away and then, by all means, jettison it! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm so bad about waiting too long to get outside and run on the weekends...and I know it is so much hotter where you guys live!!

Great job. When I run in the heat, I don't even worry about my're working so much harder in the heat.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.