Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A GREAT Sunday Ride

I had one of the best rides in a long time this past Sunday with Stef. Now, I have not been on the bike since sometime in early Sept. In fact, since finding out I am prego, I have pretty much done nothing in the way of exercise (not as I originally intended but my body and mind decided otherwise).

Anyhoo, Stef mentioned that she had an easy hour ride to do and I decided to join her. Then Sunday morning rolled around and I felt tired and really didn't want to go. Izaac basically forced me out the door:-). I had about a 5 mile ride to the meet up point and I hated every second of it. My legs hurt, I got hot, my sit bones (and other parts) hurt. I was a complete mental mess. Even thought about turning around and skipping it. And this was within the first 2-3 miles! Ughh. I kept trudging (is that a word?) along though and finally got to the meet up.

Then everything changed!! Stef was so excited to see me which always makes a person happy! And it was great to see her. We got organized and off we went. From that point on the ride became fantastic. We had a easy pace and got to chat almost the entire ride with the exception of a few hills that took my breath away. I noticed how perfect the weather was, how blue the Sky's were, how fun it is to do something with good friends and finally how great it felt to move my body! The hurts were all gone and I felt energetic (imagine that). It actually became one of those rides that you feel like you could go forever and you just don't want it to end. Unfortunately it did have to end, we arrived at my turn off and logically I realized that I couldn't go forever or I would pay for it later so I said good bye and headed home with a smile. In the end, I got just under 16 miles in and "put my mood in a better place" as my 6 year old niece like to say.

I did have a few aches & pains after, mostly a tight lower back and very sore sit bones (and other parts)! I'm planning on going again this Sunday and as long as I can before the belly gets in the way.

I've also starting lifting weights again and trying to get 20-30 minutes of cardio in prior. It's a slow start but its still a start :-)

In baby news...

First things first. We have had 2 very clear ultrasounds already that shows what appears to be a very clear boy part. So, it looks like we are having a boy!! I am very excited about this. I love girls and I am a girl and I am surrounded by lots of strong women in my family but it's pretty cool to bring a boy into the mix.

I am 17 weeks and 3 days along. Almost to the half way point!!

My belly finally "popped" out and has gotten firm. I'm starting to look more pregnant and less fat and my belly no longer feels or looks like I had to many beers the night before.

I have gained about 3 pounds total but they all happened in one week! That is not a trend that I can keep up :-) However, I feel like I have gained much more.

Overall, I am doing great. Finally getting a little energy back but it is coupled with insomnia so I won't be energetic for too long. All of our tests have come back perfect so far. I can't really complain.

We have some of the most clear pictures from the 15 week ultrasound. He looks so relaxed and comfortable. It makes my heart melt to look at.

Have a great week!!


Stef0115 said...

Ha! It's weird how the best workouts sometimes come from being "forced" to do them. I am very glad that Izaac forced you!

Let's talk about this Sunday! :-)

ShirleyPerly said...

Wonderful to hear you got out there and ended up have a good time after all! That has happened to me a number of times. It often takes me 10 miles to warm up on the bike before I start feeling good. I'm just a slow poke when it comes to warming up.

Congrats to hear you guys are having a lil' boy!!

Formulaic said...

So glad you went!

If only I felt like that after a ride!! We may end up fighting to ride with Stef!

17 weeks 4 days 12 hours and 02 minutes....not that I am counting or anything!

Almost halfway there

Calyx Meredith said...

Such fun news!! I'm envious of the great ride. What a great memory to pull out the next time a ride starts off sucky! And if we were there, we'd join in and get ourselves a (slow) pace line going. :D

A baby BOY!! I've only ever given birth to boys so I don't have anything to measure against - but Yay! And a super YAY for having all the tests come back perfect. Keep taking good care of yourself. (And be careful with the weights as you get further along - they get a little trickier as your center of gravity shifts!) Sending you and Izaac all the best mojo!